Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bench Dog

While waiting on some items to finish the kitchen cabinets I moved on to work on some workbenches for the basement shop. These benches are to be built almost exclusively from scrap. Since most of the scrap I have is cedar, it will have to do. Not usually a good choice for tough use situations, this cedar makes up for it with its comodious dimensions.

Workbench frame gets lagged together in a make shift jig.

The lag bolts (24 per) were left over from the deck when the design changed and I'd already ordered the bolts. The plywood for the end panels is left over from the roof (although I need one more sheet).

What a difference having reasonably good tools and some space in
making a series of the same parts.

Gradually I am getting a handle on the basement. I've burned for heat just shy of two cords of scrap wood. With this project I'm making space out of stuff that was taking space.

Tight joints.

Milled parts actually match!

First one of six awaits finishing out and a top. Each is 4' wide by 30" deep.

24 linear feet of clean counter. Lasted about 12 seconds.

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