Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Another winter project was to build the kitchen island that stores under the main kitchen counter. The stow-away idea courtesy of my girlfriend, Alice. Save the top, and wheels, it is made entirely of reclaimed lumber and scraps.

All joints are doweled and glued.

Shown rolled in place.

The fir should darken to match over time.

The final product. The shelf is made of old, clear cedar.


  1. Awesome! This is a great piece with classic lines. Very nice. I keep drooling over your home, what a nice project. Kudos to you.

  2. Has your Parkinson's Disease slowed these types of projects down or does your medication control it?

  3. Hey Marc,

    I'm a student at Parsons studying architecture. I'm currently doing a research assignment on solar houses, and I came across your design and was hoping if i could learn more.
    Such as the specifics of the site and the environments around it.

    Thank you so much,
    Frank Chen

  4. Oh btw, if you want to contact me my email is tw78franko@hotmail.com,

    thanks again!
